
Linode VPS Inbound 流量將不再收費

Linode Reduces Transfer Pricing),那就是從**2011年9月1日開始,只要是流入Linode VPS 或者是NodeBalancer 伺服器的流量都是免費**,至於流出流量呢?

How does the monthly network transfer pool work?

That being said, you will be charged $0.01 for each additional GB at the end of your billing cycle. For more information, please refer to ...

Linode Reduces Transfer Pricing (Incoming Data is now Free)

* Linode doesn't pay for uploads and downloads with it's carriers / ISPs. It pays for circuits capable of synchronous upload and download speeds ...

Is there any cost of transferring data between Linode in different ...

Short answer: $0.005/GB. Your monthly network transfer pool is usually sufficient for typical use. You're only charged extra if your usage exceeds set limits.

Pricing (5889)

The bundled price for a Linode 512 is about 75% less than if one were to buy the RAM / Storage / Transfer at the published extra prices.

Distributed Compute Regions

All outbound transfer for dedicated instances deployed in distributed regions is subject to charges ($0.01 per GB). Learn more.

Network transfer usage and costs

Any transfer usage that exceeds the monthly allotment starts at $0.005/GB (or $5/TB) depending on the service's region.

Cloud Compute, Storage, and Transfer Estimator - Pricing

How does Linode pricing compare? Compare cost per month and save with Linode predictable and transparent pricing over AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Cloud Compute, Storage, and Transfer Estimator | Akamai

How does Linode pricing compare? Compare cost per month and save with Linode predictable and transparent pricing over AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Cloud Computing Services

High Memory Plans ; Linode 24 GB, $60, $0.09 ; Linode 48 GB, $120, $0.18 ; Linode 90 GB, $240, $0.36 ; Linode 150 GB, $480, $0.72 ; Linode 300 GB, $960, $1.44 ... See pricing for Jakarta, ID · See pricing for São Paulo, BR · Cloud estimator


LinodeReducesTransferPricing),那就是從**2011年9月1日開始,只要是流入LinodeVPS或者是NodeBalancer伺服器的流量都是免費**,至於流出流量呢?,Thatbeingsaid,youwillbecharged$0.01foreachadditionalGBattheendofyourbillingcycle.Formoreinformation,pleasereferto ...,*Linodedoesn'tpayforuploadsanddownloadswithit'scarriers/ISPs.Itpaysforcircuitscapableofsynchronousuploadanddownloadspeeds ...,Shortanswer:$0....